


“I believe that prevention is better than cure. The more work you are able to do with yourself and your children earlier on in setting the foundations of optimum mental, physical and spiritual wellness, the less work you will have to put in later as a result of illness and the aging process.”


As a mother, an educator, a Naturopath, a Nutritionist, as a Personal Trainer, as a NLP Coach, I have committed myself to helping other women and children restore their health and to be the best version of themselves spiritually, physically and mentally.

Holistic health is not just a matter of repairing the damage done and healing the body from an dis-ease or dis-eases but also just as important; it is about maintaining health and wellness throughout your life in order to better serve God through conscious living.

In the 12-month naturopathy coaching package you will get :

  • A Naturopathy coaching call every month, the first month being an hour, every other month being 30 minutes.
  • A personalised treatment summary after each one-on-one consultation emailed to you.
  • Unlimited email access to me throughout the 12-month period with any questions you may have.

The group coaching sessions will be open to questions and will cover some fundamental topics in order to ensure all areas of health and lifestyle are covered including but not limited to:

  • Holistic versus linear healing.
  • How to create a low tox home; household products, home building materials re paints and formaldehyde, reduction of EMF exposure.
  • Nutritional eating program tailored to you and your child/rens needs.
  • The importance of sleep hygiene.
  • Gut health.
  • Fundamentals of immune wellness.
  • Importance of self-love, trauma healing and resources for this.
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